DUFF 2016 Electronic Ballot

Voting deadline is 16 May 2016 at 23:59 AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time).

Note: This ballot is sent to an email address at the Ozfanfunds website, from where it is automatically forwarded to the DUFF administrators, Julian Warner and Lucy Huntzinger.

Return to DUFF 2016 information page and candidate's platform.

Your name*:
Zip/Postal Code*:
Phone number:
 * Required  
If you think you may be unknown to the administrators, please give the name of a fan or fan group (other than a candidate or nominator) who can vouch that you meet the voting criteria.
Reference Name:
Reference Email:
Please rank your choices as 1, 2, 3, 4, including your write-in candidate if you have one. You do not need to number every option.
Then click the small "Vote" button below the boxes.
   Clare McDonald-Sims
   Hold Over Funds (I don't want anyone to win)
   No Preference (I don't care who wins)

Donate using Paypal or credit card

Votes are not valid unless accompanied by a contribution of at least $5 in US, Australian, Canadian, or New Zealand currency, or an equivalent sum in other currencies. Note: We cannot accept cheques/checks.

The Paypal links below link to Jean Weber's account. She will pass the money on to the Australian DUFF administrator. If you cannot or will not use Paypal, please contact an administrator.

Australian dollars

New Zealand dollars

US dollars

Canadian dollars



This ballot was authorised by Julian Warner and Lucy Huntzinger and prepared by Jean Weber.