As published by John Foyster in August 1981.
NB: all addresses could well be out of date.

GUFF NEWS: August 1981 (flyer with THYME)

The deadline for nominations to reach the administrators (for an Asutralian to go to Britian for the Easter '82 convention) is September 12, 1981. (That's a Saturday, and gives time for he administrators to confer before issueing the ballot that weekend.)

Candidates require nominations by three Australian fans and two British fans; a platform must also be prepared, and anyone unsure of details should contact the appropriate (i.e. closest) adminitrator as soon as possible.


At the moment, just on half of the minimum required amount is on hand; donations are always welcome (payable to one or other of the adminitrators).

Joseph Nicholas claims that his GUFF report will be out for sale this month. John Foyster can make no such claim about his report (see below).

Watch this fanzine for further details....


Those who have supported GUFF by bidding in the postal auction have been badly served be the administrator in Australia: a description - not an excuse - follows.

We returned from New Zealand at the end of May to a flooded house (well, half of it was flooded). This entailed some quick action, part of which had a disatrous effect on GUFF (and the rest of my fan activity) - all of the papers had to be stacked away fast. There has been little or no damage to the papers (though a couple of books (mine, not GUFF's) are still drying out). Until there was space to spread things out the papers had to wait, and although I am still making repairs, it became possible to get to the papers about three weeks ago. First priority had to be given to the work papers, since they related to two reports which were due in July. These were completed on August 3 (225 pages - now you know why I haven't made much progress with the GUFF report), and I now look forward to the more interesting stuff. I expect to have a detailed GUFF Auction report with the next Thyme, together with a long list of new auction items. I may even get around to the GUFF report.

John Foyster, 21 Shakespheare Grove, St Kilda, Victoria 3182, Australia (Despite the fact that this CoA was published 18 months ago, mail is still be sent to the old GPO Box. Ho hum.)

British Administrator: Joseph Nicholas, Room 9, 94 St George's Square, Pimlico, London, SW1Y 3QY, UK

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