Susan Clarke
Susan Clarke (or Susan Smith Clarke), now known as Susan Batho, is part of the Blue Mountains Conclave of Fans. Mother of four, she has chaired five national conventions amongst others. Winner of FanQ Awrds in the US for writing and editing; ASFMA AWARDS in Australia for writing and editing; plus a Special Ditmar for Service to Australian SF Fandom, and the 1997 Chandler Award. Fanwriter and professional author she is currently doing a PhD in creative writing. Editor and co-editor of over 400 zines in the past 25 years. Currently edits an original fantasy zine; ReviewZine and eight other media titles.
Previous North American Travel: 1988 to NOLACON with the Sydney in 92 Worldcon Bid
committee, and two visits to Media*West*Con.
Nominators: Justin Ackroyd, Chris Barkley, Sue Butsztynski, Eric Lindsay, Joyce Scrivner.
Terry Frost
I've been in fandom since 1979, written dozens of fnazines of steadily increasing readability and broadening subject matter, and hold the record for the longest losing streak in the history of the Ditmar Awards - a record which was broken in 1995 when I got the gong for Best Fan Writer. I want to visit America because I can't believe that so many people drive on the wrong side of the street and have money all the same colour.
Previous North American Travel: None.
Nominators: Bruce Gillespie, Mike Glyer, Jeanne Mealy, Lucy Sussex, Jean Weber.
Australia US Total Susan Clarke 14 15 29 Terry Frost 26 46 72 No preference 2 17 19 Hold Over Funds - 1 1 Write-In - John Bangsund - 1 1 --- --- --- Total 42 80 122 --- --- ---Terry Frost achieved an outright majority on the first ballot. Sources: