15 May 1996
As published by Alan Stewart.
NB: all addresses could well be
out of date.
Australasia US Total Stephen Dedman 3 6 9 Danny Heap 18 26 44 Perry Middlemiss 21 42 63 No Preference 0 9 9 Write-In 0 0 0 Hold Over Funds 1 0 1 -- -- --- Total 43 83 126 Insufficient Funds 0 1 1 Postmarked after the 15th April 0 2 2 Unable to be counted 1 0 1 -- -- --- Grand Total 44 86 130 -- -- ---
As the No Preference and Hold Over funds will not be distributing preferences, Perry has a clear majority [63]/[126-(9+1)]=63/116=54.3% and so Perry Middlemiss is hereby declared the winner.
Votes received by the Australasian Administrator (in the order
received): * indicates a donation above the required voting fee
was received. Thank you.
Susan Clarke, Richard Hryckiewicz, Irwin Hirsh*, Penny Merritt*, Lyn McConchie, Robyn
Mills*, Perry Middlemiss*, Kim Huett*, Ken Moylan*, Jean Weber*, Eric Lindsay*, Cheryl
Morgan*, Sarah Murray-White*, Chris Nelson*, David L Russell*, Bob Riel*, Bruce
Gillespie*, Marc Ortlieb*, Carey Handfield, Cath Ortlieb*, Jane Tisell*, Donna Heenan,
Neil Murray, Jenny Ackroyd*, Justin Ackroyd*, Robin Johnson, Leigh Edmonds, Gigi
Boudville, Danny Heap*, Gary Hoff*, Ian Gunn*, Elaine Kemp, Sally Beasley, Susan
Margaret, James Allen, Greg Turkich*, Roy Ferguson*, Paul Ewins, Mark Loney*, Nick
Stathopoulos*, Merv Binns, Julian Warner*, Sharon Moseley, Karen Pender-Gunn.
Votes received by the Australasian Administrator appeared on forms distributed by Irwin Hirsh, Eric Lindsay & Jean Weber, Perry Middlemiss, Marc Ortlieb and Alan Stewart.
Votes received by the North American Administrators appeared on forms distributed by Irwin Hirsh, Janice Murray, NESFA, Vicki Rozenzweig, Lucy Schmeidler, Joyce Scrivner, Pat & Roger Sims, Dick Smith, Kevin Standlee, Alan Stewart and Smatha Star Straf.
Nominations are hereby called for a North American fan to travel to Australasia in 1997, probably for the NatCon in September.
Nominations should be sent to either of the current Administrators by 30 September 1996. A candidate must promise, barring acts of God, to travel to Australasia, to produce a Trip Report to be sold as a fundraiser for the Fund, and to Administer the North American end of the fund until a successor is chosen.
The candidate must supply a platform of about one hundred (100) words encouraging fans to vote for them, as well as a brief history of previous Australasian travel, if any. A non-refundable bond of $US20 is also required. Three (3) nominations from North America and two (2) nominations from Australasia for the candidate must be received by the current Administrators. Email nominations are fine to beat the deadline, but a signed nomination must follow by post.
1st - Trish Smyth (Babylon 5 Season 2 poster)
2nd - Neil Murray (Star Trek Writers' Guide, 1967)
3rd - Justin Semmel (5 Batman Forever character posters)
(The winner had first pick of the prizes.)
DUFF Australasia also has lots of things to be auctioned at future conventions. Thanks to the following people who donated material to be auctioned and sold overseas for DUFF. Garfield Barnard, Gigi Boudville, Debbie Cross & Paul Wrigley (Wrigley-Cross Books), Scott & Jane Dennis, Alexis Gilliland, Kim Huett, Arnie & Joyce Katz, Eric Lindsay, Adrienne Losin, Janice Murray, Leslie Newcomer, Stephen Roth and Bill Rotsler.
Auctioneers and runners over the last year include Justin Ackroyd, Stephen Boucher, Roy Ferguson, Danny Heap, John McDouall, Perry Middlemiss, Neil Murray, Clive Newall and Tara Smith.
If you're interested in more Freddie Baer T-shirts, her "T-shirt of the Month" club can be contacted via email at fbaer@fwl.org.
(as of 30 April 1996)
Balance (18 July 1995) $ 1 637.49 Income ------ Merchandise sales 234.00 Fanzine sales 719.13 1996 Race - platform fees 60.00 - voting fees/donations 795.00 Donations 5.00 Auctions - ArCon 620.60 - Basicon 136.60 - Swancon '96 1024.00 ------- 3594.33 Expenses -------- Travel expenses reimbursement 250.00 Fundraising merchandise 113.40 Postage 27.78 Phone calls 2.97 Printing 77.50 471.65 ------ ------- Balance (30 April 1996) $4760.17 =======DUFF North America: Finances (as of 15 May 1996)
Balance $US 5934.95DUFF Australia currently has over 1400 fanzines for sale. A list is available if you send a stamped self-addressed envelope or email the Australian administrator. Reasonable offers which include coverage of postage costs will be accepted. The list has been sent to the US administrators and distributed with ANZAPA Mailings.
Alan Stewart
PO Box 222
World Trade Centre
Victoria 3005
Phone: H +61 (3) 429-8354
Email: a.stewart@pgrad.unimelb.edu.au
North America
Pat & Roger Sims
34 Creekwood Square
OH 45246 USA
Phone: +1 (513) 771-7587
E-mail: 73473.2247@compuserve.com
1996 DUFF delegate to North America
Perry Middlemiss
GPO Box 2708X
Victoria 3001
Phone: H (03) 9819 2343
W (03) 9634 2988
Fax: W (03) 9634 5055
Email: larrikin@ncc1701.apana.org.au