1984 GUFF Ballot Form

GUFF was created as the Get Up-and-over Fan Fund to transport a popular Australian fan to Seacon, the 1979 Worldcon in Brighton, England. It was successful enough to bring John Foyster to Endland and promoting Anglo-Australian contact among SFfans that it was decided GUFF should continue as a regular event along the lines of TAFF and DUFF, alternately transporting British fans southwards and Australian fans northwards at suitable intervals for the host country's national conventions, and should be known in the southbound as the Get Under Fan Fund. In 1981 GUFF brought Jospeh Nicholas to Advention '81 in Adelaide in June 1981.

GUFF will continue to be a success only through the efforts and support of fandom worldwide, particularly all who vote and who donate money and auctionmmateerial.

Who may vote: Anyone who has been active in fandom (fanzines, conventions, clubs etc.) prior to January 1982 and who contributes $2.00 or £1.00 to the fun may vote. Contributions greater than the minimum are gratefully received. One vote per person: no proxies: ballot must be signed. Write-in candidates are permitted. Money orders and cheques should be made payable to the appropriate administrator, not to GUFF.

Deadline: Votes must reach the administrators by 1 January 1984.

How votes are counted: Votes are counted using the optional-preferential system, which results in a majority win after lower-ranking candidate's voters' second choices are transferred to higher ranking candidates (and so on). Your first preference is to be indicated by writing '1' next to your choice, your second preference by writing '2' next to that choice, and so on. You may stop at any time.

Donations: GUFF will continue to need contributions of money or salable itmes to continue to be a success. if ou are ineligible to vote ot do not feel able to make an informed choice between the candidates, donations will nevertheless be gratefully accepted.

The Candidates: On the other side of this sheet are given the names of the candidates, their nominators, and ther platforms. Each candidate has posted a bond and promised that, baring acts of God, s/he will travel to the 1984 British National Convention/Eurocon in Brighton, Endgland.

Send this completed ballots and contributions to:

British Administrator:
Joseph Nicholas
22 Denbigh St
United Kingdom

Australian Administrator:
John Foyster
21 Shakespheare Grove
St Kilda
Vict 3182

I vote for
[ ] Justin Ackroyd
[ ] Shayne McCormack
[ ] Jean Weber
[ ] Roger Weddall
[ ] Hold Over Funds
[ ] .................


Name (Block Capitals)


I enclose my donation to GUFF of ..... ($2.00 or £1.00 minimum.)

If you think you name may not be known to the administrators, in order to make sure of qualifying for voting, please gve the name and address of a fan or fan group to whom you are known.



The GUFF Platforms

Justin Ackroyd

Poor but honest bookseller seeks further fannish education. Some fans claim I am one of Australia's cuddliest fans and my resemblance to a six foot teddybear is quite striking. Since netering fandom in 1976 I have chaired a national convention and been involved in others, usually as an auction convenor. I have had a brief stay in ANZAPA and am an assitant for Australian SF News. Present addictions include books, fanzines, auction,s conventions, hockey and sport spectating, Wales, whales, bears, castles and montains, food, Irish Mist and J.M.W. Turner. Anyone who has survived six years working at Space Age Books can certainly use a break.

Nominators: Jack Herman, Perry Middlemiss & Helen Swift, Marc Ortlieb, Pete Presford, Bob Shaw.

Shayne McCormack

My fannish life condensed into 100 words. Well, I found fandom in 1969 through Star Trek, and went on to produce quite a few fanzines, including Forerunner, the clubzine of the Sydney Science Fiction Foundation, an organization of which I was President for a number of years. As well as socially being involved with SF, I also do it for a living - I manage (haphazardly) Galaxy Bookshop, Sydney's SF specialist. I still enjoy media fandom through my artwork and writing, and have been on the committee of a few SF cons, including the 1983 National Con. FIAWOL holds true for me.

Nominators: Ron Clarke, Sue Clarke, Robin Johnson, Cas Skelton, Paul Skelton.

Jean Weber

Having discovered fandom at Aussiecon, Jean published a two-volume Fifth Anniverary fanzine in 1980, followed by a genzine, WeberWoman's Wrevenge, now three years old and appearing on a *ghasp* regular bi-monthly schedule. She has helped organise several conventions, despite a tendency to fall asleep at unfannishly early hours. She's never been to the U.K. or northern Europe, and promies a Trip report with a year of return. Is Weberwoman the wild sex maniac rumour suggests? a flaming feminist? a rum-guzzling recluse? a/l/l none of the above? Import Jean for a 4-week visit and find out - if you dare.

Nominators: Christine & Derrick Ashby, John Bangsund, Eve Harvey, Joy Hibbert, Eric Lindsay.

Roger Weddall

Hey, am I seriously supposed to write something here that will convince all you lot to vote for me for GUFF? Okay - how's this:

"I don't think you should vote for me just because I've had a hand in running all sorts of fun conventions, nor because I'm editor of Thyme and Lhyfe. I reckon you should vote for me beause I'd have a bloody good time over there making lotsa new friends, sampling lotsa Brit brews, and just generally partying on as much as possible. Why not do the right thing - vote for a nice fellow like me.

Nominators: Sally Beasley, Malcolm Edwards, Dave Langford, John Newman, John Packer.

Reproduction of this form is encouraged provided that the text is reproduced completely and unaltered.