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    2008 PLATFORMS


    Who the hell is Paul Poulton?

    While not officially an "old fart fan" Paul has been around fandom for over 20 years, his first ever con being KinKon at the Victoria Hotel in Melbourne in 1984.

    A reader of fantasy and SF as far back as he can remember, he also enjoys his SF media flavoured and has been a member of assorted TV and movie fan clubs over the years.

    Often wanting to get things done he has been a part of committees of conventions, fan clubs, role-playing clubs, historical re-enactment clubs and even the Australian Costumers' Guild.

    As co-chair for Continuum 5 (currently in planning for 2009) Paul would like your vote for NAFF to help him get to Perth, a city he's sure has changed slightly since his last visit there in 1978.


    I would be thrilled to go to Swancon! Unfortunately, after my first convention, Conflux 4 last year, the bug has bitten but the funds won’t stretch all the way to Perth. Four reasons: Sean Williams says I have to go and help him DJ. I can meet Tehani Wessely, who edited my first story to be published (this year, ASIM!) and whom I’ve never met in person. Third, I can see all the nice people I met at this year’s Aurealis Awards. Fourth, I can see the man who wrote the hairdryer gag when Rose and my Doctor met Daleks!


    I admire the long and strong fannish traditions of Western Australian fans regularly holding Swancons. This year marks my third decade as an active Australian SF fan. Growing up writing for, then producing fanzines and newsletters including the Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet has led me to a career of writing and editing for larger publications like Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine. Being on several convention committees has given me lots of experience in running fundraising events, and I can draw upon my artistic talents to donate raffle prizes or items for auction to support future NAFF races.

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